At the end of April, we went online with our crowdfunding campaign. This also marks the beginning of the next important step in our mission: working together to provide more independence for blind and visually impaired people and thus revolutionize sports for the blind!

The ASKÖ-Stadion Eggenberg in Graz was not only the location for our crowdfunding video and the influencer visit of Mr. BlindLife, but also the location for our crowdfunding kick-off day. On Thursday, April 27, 2023, we invited various media representatives:inside to a press conference that served as the kick-off for our crowdfunding campaign. Our founder Katerina told the journalists about the long journey of the last five years, the function of WAIBRObelt and gave a little preview of where we still want to go with WAIBRO. We also had the pleasure of welcoming Eva Derler, a member of the Graz City Council, and Gerhard Widmann, President of ASKÖ Styria, to the press event. Afterwards, everyone present was able to try out the WAIBRObelt for themselves on the running track.
Starting at 5 p.m., same location, our team welcomed numerous friends, acquaintances and companions of the last years to the countdown to the official launch of the campaign. Together we counted down until Katerina put the crowdfunding campaign online. Also in the afternoon the perfect infrastructure of the ASKÖ was used to test the WAIBRObelt. The first (unofficial) WAIBRObelt race also took place. There was no real winner, the curiosity about the belt and the fun were in the foreground. The kick-off event was musically framed by the musician Dado Dee from Graz.
Photos: (c) WAIBRO (4), Sarina Maigoda (6)