He likes to push himself to the limit when running and cycling, and he knows a lot about (digital) media, communication and content. Patrick is responsible for the presence of WAIBROsports on all channels and can thus combine his two preferences, sport and media. The 24-year-old student has been part of the team for almost a year and introduces himself briefly in the Wordrap.

For me, a new day begins with...
A good breakfast and a newspaper
Among my strengths I count...
Ability to work under pressure, creativity and organisational skills
My biggest weakness is...
In certain areas my perfectionism
My best useless talent is...
Throwing food up and catching it in my mouth
My favourite sports are...
Running, cycling and football
Who I would like to be for a day....
Barack Obama
When I go to a desert island I take with me...
A notepad, pen and lots of books
What I do at WAIBROsports...
Social media and public relations
For me, WAIBROsports is...
An ingenious idea to make the practice of sports possible for everyone
My motto in life is...
A day without a smile is a lost day
