In the last few weeks, our development team has really stepped on the gas! Software and hardware are constantly being developed, as is our external image. In addition, the WAIBROsports team is growing and nominations for two awards motivate us even more.

The line recognition is now fully developed and can be implemented in the prototypes. Once this step has been taken, we can go into the test phase. Obstacle detection is also currently being improved and a compact control unit for our WAIBRObelt is now being planned. To ensure that our communication belt does not run out of juice prematurely in the future, our team is currently also working on the accommodation of the energy supply (batteries).
Since our founder Katerina is also actively involved in sports for the blind as an accompanying athlete, we place great emphasis on the user-friendliness of our WAIBRObelts. That is why we are not only working on the technical inner workings, but also on the textile belt itself. The fasteners of the tactors are designed to be as blind-friendly as possible and the cleaning of the belt also plays an essential role. Washability and the hygiene aspect are included in our developments to enable cleaning of all relevant elements in the future.

In the last two months we have continued to spread our mission "Run for new limits". In mid-September we pitched in front of a jury at the Startup Spritzer at the Graz Gründermesse and got great feedback, including from the audience present. And at the beginning of October, Katerina went to the capital, where she also presented our WAIBRObelt and our mission at the Forward Festival in the Gartenbaukino. There, too, we received encouragement for our communication belt.

Recently, three new faces joined the WAIBROsports team. On the one hand, Ebru Inan has been taking care of law and order in the project work as a project assistant since October. Maximilian Brunner (who also joined us in October) actively supports our team in hardware development, and on 1 November we will be getting support from Örkeny Zováthi as a consultant and in software mentoring.
We are also doubly pleased at the moment, because we have been nominated for two prizes: Firstly, the magazine "Die Steirerin" nominated Katerina as one of ten Styrian young entrepreneurs in the start-up competition "Arena der Gründerinnen". On the other hand, we are shortlisted for the Austrian sports award "VICTOR" from Sport Business magazine in the category "Sport Innovation".